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Can We Just Talk? 


YES.  I am here for it.


We are living through a collective rite of passage as one era ends and a new one establishes.  The energetic frequency on this planet is rising and this stirs us into waking up, turning on and turning into the new embodied human.   Ready or not. 


This planetary ascension process is catalyzing an awakening process in us that nudges us to clear anything that is in the way of us fully embodying our true nature:  LOVE.  This is the rising of the human consciousness.  As we establish our upgraded way of being, living, relating, caring for each other and nature, we will be living in the way we always hoped was possible.  In this ascension, together we are dreaming in and materializing a new way to live on Earth in accordance with nature's principles.


As great as that is, we are in an immensely uncomfortable, transitional tunnel.  Anyone remember being in transition in childbirth?  Yeah.  It's notably the hardest stage and this is where we are.  In the dark hours of exhaustion, wanting to give up, feeling alone, not knowing how long this will last, and nobody can do it but us.  We have no guarantees except that it's only a phase that we must get through.  A necessary phase.


My role as birth doula was established 21 years ago.  My role as an ascension doula came online more recently.  As I've cleared and upgraded, I embody more and more of my multidimensional self.  From this, I offer:

-- a broader awareness and cosmic context of what is going on; 

-- a knowing that you have all your own instructions within of you;

-- upgraded skills, including higher technologies in quantum healing to assist our passage;

-- an energetic signal that helps catalyze your own inner codex to activate; 

-- an unwavering knowing that no matter how bad it gets, we as a collective will undoubtedly break through to the other side as we birth this new experience in our new world.


So, here I am, an ascension doula offering my hand to you to help you get through this passageway.   Yes we can just talk.  I'm here to be your support, your sacred mirror and assist where you need it.  I do not have an agenda about how I think you should birth or do this ascension.  I have open hands and heart.  I'm learning too.


How do I arrange this virtual meeting?

Email us:


If you are feeling some of these things, this might be for you

--You want to discuss WTAF could be going on and get a game plan to navigate it

--You are concerned about having or raising children in this time

--You are concerned about your well-being in this time

--You are concerned about the division in the world, your family and relationships

--You are experiencing fear, grief, anxiety in response to the world situation


A few signs you could be waking up and remembering

--You're perceiving things differently than others around you

--You don't want to pass on intergenerational trauma  to your kids

--The mainstream narrative seems more lackluster or untrue

--You're feeling crazy


What is the cost?

Right now, the cost is the same as my normal day of service fee: $150/hour.  If you are feeling like you cannot afford this and/or if you have a sense of urgency for a session, just let us know.  I'm happy to offer discounts to those in need of them.  Our economy will be taking more of a downturn in the future so we need to be open to each other on different ways of energy exchange.  I'm open and learning like you are.



We are all here to get through this huge passageway in our own way, in our own right time.  You've likely never done this before, so let's take it easy on ourselves and each other.  Step by step, breath by breath, beginner's mind, let go of attachments and be ever tuned into your own heart navigational system.  You are everything you need.  No one can do it for you.  It's work.  We are not waiting for leaders; we are breaking the cycle of having people tell us what to do, how to think etc.  Our children will be freer after the hard work we do.  It will be worth it.  Eyes on the prize.


We are meant to get through this.  And we are.

Cosmic heart.jpeg

After meeting with April, I feel not only enlightened but energized by our conversations.  Life can easily feel overwhelming and dark these days, but chatting with her reminds me of the light that is still in abundance all around me. 


I am reminded of the power of my own voice and energy when I speak with April.  I am learning to open myself up to new ideas and ways of thinking, which includes unpopular options and beliefs.  Being in her presence makes me feel surrounded by light, openness and good energy.


I wasn't sure what to expect but I knew I could trust April after doing pelvic floor therapy with her. I released so much, forgiveness flowed like a river through me.  I saw things in an expanded way and the hard things didn't seem so hard here. I've had a calm since — like a reorienting to health. I feel this is just the beginning. 



Artwork above: Daniel B. Holeman

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