These women have been very gracious with thanking me for their successes. Try and see past how they attribute to their success to me. They are the motivated and brave ones who stepped forward to regain their health. We worked together and not only restored function, but in many cases, changed her life for the better. This work is powerful like that.
Physical Therapy Clients
Women's Health PT has helped me in so many ways. Not only am I physically more comfortable, but I'm kinder to myself and more aware of the strength my body's capable of. I feel stronger, more graceful and more peaceful every day. THANK YOU!
Raleigh, postpartum mother and physical therapy client
My son was born 17 months ago. Like many others, his birth did not go as we had hoped and planned for. Luckily he was healthy but I was left with a lot of physical and mental trauma. I recently discussed how I was feeling with April, the pain I had been feeling and the hurt I couldn't let go of. She didn't hesitate to pull up her calendar and get me in as soon as possible. I'm so thankful for that! In just one session, she helped me move past the hurt and guilt of how my son was born. I could actually feel the things I had been holding onto for 17 months leave my body. Such a relief. Now I feel I can move onto physical healing. April Bolding has also been providing me with great resources to help with the physical challenges I've been having. I feel confident as we move forward with her help, I will only feel better and better.
Natalie, Women's Health Physical Therapy client and mother
April is one of those people where you know she's doing what she loves. That makes her not only good, but outstanding. I came to her at 6 weeks postpartum because "my hip was falling apart," and she showed me stretches and exercises that helped within just a couple of weeks. I love the way she writes down goals and then actually makes sure we address all of them one by one! Her knowledge of the physical body is great, but she never forgets how physical and emotional bodies are intertwined. She really makes me feel like I am doing something good for myself — not like I need to fix myself to be whole. Also, in one of the sessions, she helped me face and embrace the birth experience, that I was so ready to "sweep under the rug" (and just call it birth). I did not know how much I had needed that. The world seemed more complete and vibrant after…
One more thing: I brought my daughter to every one of the appointments. While that may not have been ideal for "focused work," April embraced it, and — being the mama that she is — just helped take care of her WHILE explaining exercises. She always has another trick up her sleeve to keep (my daughter) occupied, and my daughter loves her.
If you think what I am saying seems too good, give it a try, and show up as your curious self. Your body, mind, and your loved ones will thank you.
Anuscheh, Women's Health Physical Therapy client and mother
I don't remember when I first started seeing April. I think it was around 2 months postpartum. I do remember that I had a long list of things that still didn't seem quite right, on top of some significant remaining pain from a tear during childbirth and the subsequent stitching up to repair it. And I do remember leaving that first appointment feeling like I was floating on clouds, so happy that she was going to help me feel ALL better again! There's still a pervasive myth these days that having a baby means that some things won't ever work as well again, like your bladder control never being the same. It's not true. You can go just as long without peeing as you did before having a baby. You don't have to pee when you sneeze (or cough, or laugh too hard, or stand up too fast). You don't have to get up in the middle of the night to pee. You don't have to go pee and then 60 seconds later wonder why you have to go pee again. Really. I had all of those symptoms a few months postpartum, and no longer do. I also know several mamas who have felt like it takes a ridiculously long time for their insides to get back into place. At six months postpartum, I felt like everything in my core was still…loose. It's hard to describe. I was gaining core muscle back, but just didn't feel like I had stability. I really think my organs were refusing to settle back where they were supposed to be. And then April gave me a Mayan Abdominal Massage, and I walked out feeling like everything had settled right back into place. Finally, I felt like I had stability again. On top of that all, April was great at helping me get through some emotional moments — therapy and physical therapy, all in one!
I could go on and on, but the take home message is this: You really don't have to live with any of the issues I've described. And if you're experiencing any of them or any other lingering effect from childbirth (of any variety) that doesn't seem quite right, you should go see April. Because you deserve it, and she's amazing.
Cristie, Women's Health Physical Therapy client and mother
When I first saw April, I was a few months postpartum, healing from an unplanned C-section. I didn't know how to heal from that kind of major surgery. My midwife recommended that I go see April to begin the healing process and to ultimately prepare my body to safely and healthily birth again in the future. I am so grateful I listened! At first, I simply wanted to hold my newborn son with no pain. After several sessions, and beginning to get my strength back, I realized I had more goals of moving with more ease.
April used both Mayan Abdominal Massage and physical therapy to give me physical and emotional strength. Even now, after two years, I still use the exercises I was given and I feel so much better prepared to birth again.
April is able to work on many levels, to meet you where you're at, and incorporate a much bigger perspective of whole body women's health. No matter where you're at, April can help. I'm so grateful I met her.
Becca, Women's Health Physical Therapy client and mother
After I broke my ankle near the end of my pregnancy, my childbirth instructor Penny Simkin referred me to April, because she is simply the best in women's health PT. April responded right away to my desperate email (on a Saturday), and made herself available to me immediately. She came to my home for our sessions, because my injury prevented me from driving or walking up stairs.
She is a born healer, and an incredibly skilled practitioner, not just in women's health issues! Her expertise in PT is enhanced by her positive outlook on life and her healing presence.
I am so grateful to April for working her magic and bringing my ankle and leg back from the dead. If you are injured, do not despair! Call April and allow her to guide you in your journey back to healthy function. Don't be surprised if you end up gaining a friend in the process.
Kaila, Orthopedic Physical Therapy client
I reached out to April when I was struggling with physical pain (after being hit to the ground by a truck and having my foot crushed when I was 35 weeks pregnant) and struggling with the emotional challenge of shifting expectations for our birth — that we had felt so well-prepared to handle without medications — as our new reality indicated that I simply might not be mobile and well enough to do it. April helped us think through and re-frame the experience, accept our situation and focus on the most important things. Then she adjusted my pelvis and worked with me to regain movement in my foot/ankle, to help me work up to walking again. She also put me in touch with another new mom who had a similar experience just a couple of months previously. Oh, did I mention it was during a 9:00 Sunday morning house call since I could barely leave the house?
We are so grateful for her work, her generosity and knowledge. She left us feeling comforted and relieved from much physical pain.
Kate, Orthopedic Physical Therapy client during pregnancy