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Meet Dr. April Bolding PT, CCE, CD

My passion is to help people of all ages to access their own self-healing abilities and to help align them with their inherent power and loving nature to address any issues they may have.  I've earned many degrees, certifications and titles over these many years - doctor of physical therapy,  medical professional, holistic integrative healer, intuitive, doula, author.  I really see myself as the embodied culmination of them all so I can facilitate the highest healing, growth and evolution in everyone I work with. 


When we awaken and embody our highest health, turn on our intuition and inner navigational system,  we heal ourselves, our ancestral line and join the rising energetic currents of human and Earth evolution.  This is the key to navigating these times.  I am here to help with this.  Facilitating the transformation of our collective ascension is my highest offering.  I work with all kinds of issues while doing this.


Broader Background

I have a doctorate in physical therapy from University of Puget Sound. As a physical therapist (25+ years) and APTA-certified clinical instructor, I worked in a Seattle hospital Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation department working in acute care, intensive/critical care and rehabilitation. I've worked in many different medical settings, orthopedic clinics, skilled nursing care, etc and was on hospital task forces addressing epidemiology and intimate partner violence.  After going through the initiation of birth, I became a certified childbirth educator and birth doula, authored several articles, then co-authored the internationally known book Pregnancy, Childbirth and the Newborn.   Much respect for mentor, innovator and lead author Penny Simkin, PT.  


I have learned so much from women and families at the birth portal that I started my own healing practice, Birth Portal Services, in Seattle. I specialize in an integrative and compassionate approach to physical therapy, Women's Health, and holistic healing. I help women heal from pelvic floor dysfunction and pain, and menstrual and fertility challenges. I nurture mothers throughout their pregnancy, labor and postpartum as well as help them move through grief after miscarriage and loss. I offer clients relief from discomforts caused by stressful or over-active lifestyles, trauma and surgeries. I do this in my PT practice, workshops and through the Phoenix Heart ARISE™ Healing Program that I developed so more people can have guided access to pelvic healing.  


Beyond Physical Therapy

In April 2022, I upgraded my practice to a non-profit model so I could expand my offerings without the limitations of the outdated systems of care, regulation and reimbursement.   I am here to offer the highest evolutionary care that supports people's bio-organic health, growth and adaptation to the profound changes on Earth in these times.  This always involves some combination of the medical, physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, energetic, social, ancestral and practical realms.  I founded ABeHive Collective as the parent non-profit organization and I am one of a growing number of high vibration care professionals that work as "pollinators" within this Hive.  My private practice is now called ABMedicine.  


My degrees, certifications, professional and life experience provide the foundation for my work, but it is my intuition combined with the wise knowledge of my client that guides how I apply them. 


Lastly, I am a Light Ambassador who is here to contribute to our individual and collective ascension as we move into the new era of peace and re-alignment with nature. This is interwoven into all I do.  I am here to support our journey through the inevitable crashing down of the old structures into the more unitive, loving age in our earth history.   In this, I am an evolution architect of sorts, helping materialize the blueprint of the new way.   I have also been called a cosmic translator from the future, where my words are activations to help you remember your own knowing and re-alignment into your highest expression in this lifetime.


From this multidimensional, gaian/cosmic (not religious, political or even wholly spiritual) view, I give you this:  There will be peace on this planet once again.  The road will be bumpy (it already is) so we'll have to endure.  As more people awaken to their highest light, they will recognize and use their power to change the whole game as they say NO to that which does harm and act with care for one another.  Freedom, choice, health, love restored through the generations as we come into balance and right relation with nature.  All good news.  We just need to help each other do all it takes to move through.  That's why I'm here.


It is my honor to connect with you.​​​

April Bolding Cosmic by Emily Kell 2019.

Here are just a few quotes from those with expanded vision & perception describing me and my work:


You are really good at assisting people navigate how to make their lives better.  The tricky thing is  that they don't always register that their better life links back to their work with you.


You've devoted your life to helping humanity and your clients by exploring and traversing spiritual and expanded (cosmic, global, energetic) field terrains, finding nodal points and then creating pathways so that we all can evolve. ​

You're like an interstellar Magellan, creating pathways for evolution.  That's major.  Big work.  People don't even realize what they are getting when they are interacting with you.


​You are excellent at knowing where people's energy is stuck. You assist them to remove, resolve, and transform their blocks and link them into the new vibration. â€‹If more people knew what you did, you'd be incredibly busy.  All this can be done at a distance so you can serve more people.


You're priestess-ing people up to their higher levels.


Rainbow Warrior - the image below is an EmBody map drawing of me done in July 2024 by medical intuitive Dr. Aubrey Wallace.  Her words are below:


BodyMap15 Rainbow Warrior 7.16.24.jpg

You are a Rainbow Bridge Warrior.

You are rising up with a completely new energy, like a torch. Your head is back showing you've accomplished bringing this through.
You are spanning heaven to earth as to what you're tuned into
You're focused inwardly on the higher Vision (eyes closed)

The rainbow represents a bridge.  You're firing this light into the heavens.  You're shining your power up as a bridge. 

You have a balance of masculine and feminine love exploding out like a star (the two pinks on either side of the head).

You are a warrior of bridging to the next thing.  And you've already generated the success of this.  

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