Workshops & Events
All of my healing and birth workshops & presentations are grounded in my doctorate-level education in
physical medicine, which includes 25+ years of experience of learning and actively unlearning that what
doesn't serve us and our health. I apply higher holistic, integrative healing modalities that integrate
science, the sacred, focused action, intuition, practical application and inspiration.
As a Women's Health PT, doula, childbirth educator, I've spent the last 24 years learning from the
ground up, at the feet of women and families, as I've compassionately facilitated their healing,
transformation, fertility, pregnancy, birthing, postpartum recovery, pelvic pain, trauma, and always,
their awakening into the remembrance of who they are.
​All the events I offer are fully charged up by the highest energy to catalyze and facilitate our individual and collective rising. This is beyond just spiritual rituals on a Saturday night. You will be lifted, moved, shaken, awakened. We saturate in the Universal LoveLight flow that brings the corrective medicine to this world, to your life, to future generations. The more you align with this live flow, especially in the presence of others who are running this current strongly, the more your health, life will restructure optimally. There is no dogma or anything you need to believe in. It takes consistent practice and purification of the body-mind-emotions-spirit to do this and to hold the field yourself -- but you are more than capable. All of my events are designed to facilitate your natural ability to do this. It is literally my job as an Ascension Doula to help you do this. At any event or appointment you have with me, you will benefit from touching into this higher frequency space where your perception upgrades, answers come and what is incoherent becomes coherent.
At all of my workshops and events, I encourage each person to exercise informed consent/refusal as to how they participate. We honor diversity while strengthening our connection to each other. Humans of all expressions are welcome. Love is all there is and you are that.​

Prepare your Pelvic Floor for Birth Workshop
2025 Dates (choose one, it's a one night, 2.5 hour class, 7-9:30p): ​​​
Jan 14, Mar 11, May 13, July 8, Sept 16, Nov 11
​We will cover:
Pelvic floor anatomy and function
Perineal massage
Guidance practicing neuromuscular exercises that will train your muscles to open/yield to your baby in the first stage of labor and effectively push in the second stage of labor
Isolation of muscles to promote urinary control
Strategies to prevent pelvic organ prolapse
Postpartum plan for long-term pelvic health
You will receive:
A Phoenix Heart kit (required for workshop)
ARISE Step by Step Visualization that guides you to release what doesn't serve so you can emerge ready for becoming the parent you’d like to be
Preparing for Childbirth audio module for home practice
​Invited: Pregnant parents of any expression
​Location: Virtual, Zoom
Three action steps to join:
1- E sign consent form If you've already signed this consent for care for our ABeMedicine healing care or for a gathering, you don't need to sign it again.
2 - Send your donation: $188 (If you need us to ship the kit, add $18: $206; If you already have a Phoenix Heart ARISE kit, cost is $111)
Zelle: April 206-355-5639 (QR code below) or Venmo: April-Bolding-11 (bee logo, button below) with a note saying your name, email and what you're signing up for so we can add you to the confirmed list.
3 - Email us at info@AprilBolding.com to arrange for kit pick up at North Seattle or Fremont location OR let us know your address to ship your kit to you.
We are available to you! info@AprilBolding.com

Good use of humor, science and sharing in a relaxed, supportive environment.
I loved learning what positions I push best in. I have a better understanding of my anatomy and I could actually do the visualization to release my pelvic floor and make space in my birth canal. Why am I only learning this now (as I prepare for the birth of my second baby)?!
It felt like sacred space being with other mothers who are preparing themselves for birth in this way. You are an amazing teacher and healer!
I didn't tear!! In my head, I kept repeating the things I learned in the workshop and in the Phoenix Heart audio. I feel like it worked!

I LOVE your leadership and guidance way CoraLuz.
I'm relieved that I have somewhere to go to work with everything that comes up. I've been getting overloaded!
​I'm wanting to voice that the quality, dedication and detail you put into creating MORE LOVE on this planet, between heart-led beings, and women is so distinctly beautiful. It is such an honor to support you, be supported by you and walk forward in friendship and love into this UNIFIED realm you (and we) are creating. These ceremonies are next level!
It was a very cool, very expansive experience and I really appreciated some of the insights and the openings that have come as a result. Very powerful.

Full Moon ARISE Ceremonies +
New Moon New Year Visioning Ceremony
​Full Moon ARISE Rose Cardamom Cacao & Ancestor Ceremony ~ Sunday Dec 15th from
4-6:30p Rose Cardamom Cacao Elixir to open our hearts to honor our Ancestors, receive their gifts and clear the unwanted, inherited ancestral baggage once and for All. We will release them from traumatic imprints that keep them fragmented and cycling here. A true act of reciprocity and responsibility that is deeply important to do in this moment in history. [Thank you all who attended. What an incredible moon rising we witnessed over the lake! We interwove-in the darkness of Winter solstice, called back the Light, while we did potent and impactful ceremonial work with the ancestor realm.]
New Moon ARISE Blue Lotus Third Eye Visioning Ceremony ~ Monday Dec 30th, 7-930p
Blue Lotus (Blue Water Lily/Nymphaea caerulea) Flower of Intuition Elixir will help open our third eyes, In-Vision and set Intentions for the new year. Interested children are welcome to accompany parents. We will be PEACE TRAIN-ing. We'll make art, not war, and extend the peace train art that ABeHive collective members started years ago. This is an alive global movement through simple art. COME!
Full Moon ARISE Breathwork & Gold Frequency Ceremony ~ Monday Jan 13th, 630-930p
Ormus GOLD Monoatomic element honeyed Elixir to open us up to the Gold Frequency, nature’s internet, that connects us all + a powerful Gold Frequency Breathwork ceremony.
GOLD and the gold frequency is how we are connected. The lighted grid, the tracks the Peace Train is on, is this ALIVE golden network in Earth. This is our bio-organic internet, in accordance with nature.
This is how we are joined in PEACE.
We will bring more pranic life force in with a conscious, powerful breath pattern that shifts you into an alternative state of consciousness. This is done to a carefully curated playlist that will facilitate a movement of emotions, trauma, stuckness, into more ease, balance and joy. It will be a very high-vibration, memorable experience. Come ride this full moon energy up with us and connect with the GOLD frequency and each other in community, intention, music, breath, integration and love.
Full Moon ARISE Heart Rose Ceremony ~ Wednesday Feb 12th, 7-930p
Enjoy a Rose Petal Honey Elixir to open the heart and senses to RECEIVE & SHARE LOVE under the Leo full moon. Become the very conduit of that universal pure love frequency that will fill you up and transform everything within and around you. We will gather in this potent ceremony to realize, release & rewrite what was set up long ago that block your channels from fully loving and receiving love. Because you are love, you are already that which you seek. It's just a matter of clearing the latent fears, reflexive defenses, subconscious avoidance & anxious strategies that sabotage us from living in loving reciprocity with ourselves and others. We will do a powerful quantum rewrite to restore our purity, innocence and lay the ground for our full bloom to arise, rose, risen in us. Bring your favorite rose quartz stone to assist your crystalline heart remembrance.
Full Moon ARISE Cacao & Breathwork Ceremony ~ Friday Mar 14th, 630-10p
Come ride this Virgo full moon energy up with us and connect with this and each other in community, intention, music, breath, integration and love. We'll drink ceremonial Cacao made into a rich brew that unlocks the heart. I will guide you to invite more pranic life force in with a conscious breath pattern that is so powerful, some would say even psychedelic. This is done to a carefully curated playlist to facilitate a powerful shift in consciousness as well as help you move emotions, trauma, stuckness, into more ease, balance and joy. It will be a very high-vibration, memorable experience.
Full Moon ARISE Spring Renewal Ceremony ~ Saturday April 12th, 2-5p
Let's sing with the birds, songs of love and a new start on planet earth. Let's enjoy a Spring Elixir to enhance our Renewal and Movement into Solar-inspired, Flower-powered New Beginnings.
Energy Exchange/Current-sea flow: Energy Exchange/Current-sea flow: Choose your donation, suggested range: $55-111. Thank you for your kind offering that balances what you can afford while honoring the many hours it takes to curate these and the many years of initiations it has taken to uplevel to this frequency and wisdom level. That said, I don’t want you to not come if you feel you can’t donate the full amount - especially if you’re a person of color who’s dealt with the persistent systemic inequity of the dying system. We collectively say NO MORE to that shizz while we gather to raise the Light quotient to generate the new way. Together. Just email me as you need. I’m grateful to ALL OF YOUR WILLING HEARTS to learn how to balance this together and for showing up to support our collective ARISE-ing!
Where: Lakehouse Light Portal, North Seattle
When: Dates/times as posted here but always cross reference your welcome email. No early arrival please.
I always need every moment to set the space up for you before events.
Invited: Humans on the awakening heart path. Men, women, multidimensional fluidity welcome. If your child is interested in participating, please do inquire. We want to gently support their unfolding!
Bring: Your friends, yoga mat or blanket to lie on, pillow, blanket to cover yourself, water bottle, a snack to share with the group, your open, curious heart. Invite your friends!
Fragrance free: Please avoid wearing perfumes, scents or even clothes with heavy laundry scents. We usually use sacred smoke and sprays and want to avoid over saturating people.
Two action steps to join:
1- E sign consent form (you can put zeros in cc field if you're not paying with cc); If you've signed one for a previous gathering or for my ABMedicine healing practice, you don't need to sign it again.)
2 - Send your donation: $55-111 Zelle: April 206.355.5639 (QR code below); Venmo: April-Bolding-11 (bee logo; button below); cash. Please include a note saying your name, email address and what you're signing up for so I can add you to the confirmed list. Confirmation will be sent.
Note: Themes are subject to change to be in alignment with the live Universal current of that moment. This is meant to be real-time, practical support as we move through these unprecedented times.​
These events are offered through ABeHive Collective.
Facilitation by ABeHive Pollinator: CoraLuz / April

I'm a paragraph. Click here to add your own text and edit me. It's easy.
This was far more potent than my psilocybin experience. Wow.
Seeing the full moon over the water, being in a group while praying the most important prayers - it all was just - so needed. So appreciated.
Breathwork Ceremonies
Whether you've done formal breathwork before or never, these breathwork ceremonies are transformative, memorable events that are different every time you do them.
I guide you in using a conscious breath pattern that will shift you into an alternative state of consciousness (that many would call our original state of consciousness).
Often times, we ceremoniously drink cacao or another enhancing high-vibration elixir to facilitate the experience. (These are not overtly psychoactive substances). Then I lead you in a conscious breath pattern to a carefully curated playlist that will facilitate a powerful shift in consciousness that can move emotions, trauma, stuckness, grief and facilitate your experience of revelation, clarity, ecstasy and joy.
Gentle awareness: breathwork is done lying down and can be intense and amazing. It shifts the body's oxygen/co2 levels and you feel buzzing, energy moving through you. It can move trauma, energy, give you insights, activations and expansions. Many would call it psychedelic without the substances.
With this practice, we move pranic life force through our system in a more robust way. This life force is powerful and affects shifts in us. But we can always at any time, pump the breaks by returning to a regular breath so your body acclimates and restores to its normal levels. You choose your ride.
It's very powerful, which is why I'm offering this opportunity to you. ​
If you have any issues/concerns with the following, please read up on it to evaluate your comfort level and risk/benefit ratio that feels right for you: high blood pressure, interocular eye pressure, retinal detachment, breathing issues, like asthma, are pregnant. This could exacerbate imbalances with people who are diagnosed with schizophrenia, bipolar and history of psychosis and people who are actively having panic attacks. You can mitigate extremes by mitigating how vigorously you change your breath. You are always in charge and can adapt according to the feedback loop within you. You know you best. Maybe I'm being over-cautious by stating this but I believe in your sovereign, informed choices. All that said, I hope you join us for these potent, transformative events! Details above.
These events are offered through ABeHive Collective.
Facilitation by ABeHive Pollinator: CoraLuz / April
Optimize your chances for a Successful Conception & Sustained Pregnancy
Wednesday, January 8th from 6-7:30p
​This is for you if you are:
~Actively trying to conceive a child with medical assistance or without
~Looking to prepare your body-mind-spirit for conception
~If you are pregnant and want to clear fertility struggles, fears, any baggage you are holding
Whether you're newly wanting to conceive, feel like you've been on a cyclical rollercoaster for too long, or just want to clear the way for a healthy pregnancy, come be nourished by gathering together, taking stock of where you are in this process and moving some energy to revitalize you in your process.
Dr. April Bolding has been working in the field of fertility and childbearing for 25 years. She has facilitated healing from painful experiences, loss, difficult decisions, traumatic experiences and invasive medical interventions. All of these can make us shut down, disconnect, live outside the body, numb, be emotionally distant, pessimistic, and be mentally and spiritually jaded. All of this closing down affects our ability to OPEN UP to receive, conceive and move through pregnancy unburdened.
Of course, this protective closing makes sense in its own way. But, when we make a little bit of space to drop in to see what's really going on - emotionally, mentally, spiritually - then we get more insight into how the physical is being also being affected. That loving, powerful focus of ours dilates (opens) our field of view to the bigger picture and lets in more of the story. Beholding ourselves in that wider lens, the compassion flows, understanding grows, we calm and naturally open to the fields of possibility that we couldn't see when we were stuck in our narrow focus. On this night, we gather to create space for the stuck pathways to flow again.

When we go to acupuncture, what are we doing? Re-establishing flow of chi - life force. From stagnant to flowing. But there are different ways we stagnate so we need different approaches to re-establish flow. A whole-listic, multi-system approach cares for ALL of you. There is an opportunity to learn to open to your own mystery, your pain and response, so you forge yourself as the mother of your own self. First tending to your tenderest self. Never abandoning you. You are the one you've been missing and calling for.
I will be facilitating this process of taking stock of those stuck places, where the dams have been put up, and guide you to release what you're ready to into the greater flow of things. With the tender care of a divine mother, you can learn to trust yourself to provide the medicine needed to ultimately open into reception, conception into a healthy pregnancy. Join us!
p.s. If there is a part of you that wants to dismiss this as airy fairy stuff, please know that so many women's bodies have revealed this information to me. This is what this sharing is grounded in. You can be sure that there is no philosophical construct here to believe in, push against or dismiss. It's just about opening to receive in a new way.
When: Jan 2025
Where: Fremont Atrium/Rainbow Acupuncture Space, 3401 Evanston Ave N, Seattle 98103
Energy Exchange/Donation: $25-45
Incentive for more care: I will apply a $25 credit to any initial appointment with me or put it toward your purchase of a Phoenix Heart ARISE home program (9 modules to choose from: Fertility/Conscious Conception, Pregnancy Loss, Pregnancy Termination, Pelvic Pain, Survivor, Preparing For and Healing from Pelvic and Abdominal surgery (endo removal, fibroids, etc), Preparing for Childbirth, Post-Birth Healing, Incontinence).
Reception, Conception & Pregnancy Support: I provide Maya Abdominal Massage that specifically assists with priming the pelvic organs for conception, optimizing fertility and cycles. Pelvic Floor therapy is useful in clearing the identifying tightness, pain, stuckness, releasing negative energetics imprints, tending to the muscles and structure symmetry, strength, endurance, function. Helps ease anxiety and pain with vaginal exams and procedures. Wise Guidance sessions are also extremely helpful, in person or virtually.
Workshop Intended for: Those actively trying to conceive a child; those that are preparing for the conception process and want to release some baggage from prior experiences to become more receptive; those who are currently pregnant and want to clear old baggage.
Bring: A little blanket or throw for comfort, a water bottle, an open, curious heart.
Fragrance free: Please avoid wearing perfumes, scents or even clothes with heavy laundry scents. Not only are many of these endocrine disruptors, they can disrupt others' ability to focus around us.
Two action steps to join:
1- E sign consent form (you can put zeros in cc field if you're not paying with cc); If you've signed one for a previous gathering or for my healing practice, no need to sign it again.
2 - Send your donation: $25-45 (Zelle: April 206.355.5639 (QR code below); Venmo: April-Bolding-11 (bee logo; button below); or bring cash. Please include a note and/or email info@aprilbolding.com saying your name, email address and what you're signing up for so I can add you to the confirmed list.